Republic of Paraguay love

Republic of Paraguay


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  • I have today announced the appointment of Peter Hussin as Australian Ambassador to the Argentine Republic, with concurrent accreditation to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Paraguay.

    Diplomatic Appointment: Ambassador to Argentina 2004

  • I have today announced the appointment of Ms Sharyn Minahan as Australian Ambassador to the Argentine Republic, with concurrent accreditation to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Paraguay.

    Diplomatic Appointment: Ambassador to Argentina 2000

  • President Clinton today announced his nomination of Maura Harty, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay.

    Harty Named Ambassador To Paraguay ITY National Archives 1997

  • Australian Ambassador to the Argentine Republic, with non-resident accreditation to the Republic of Paraguay and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.


  • President Clinton today announced his intention to nominate Robert Edward Service, of California as Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay.

    President Names Service Ambassador To Paraguay ITY National Archives 1994

  • It affords me much satisfaction to inform you that all our difficulties with the Republic of Paraguay have been satisfactorily adjusted.

    State of the Union Address (1790-2001) United States. Presidents.

  • The conduct of the war between the allies and the Republic of Paraguay has made the intercourse with that country so difficult that it has been deemed advisable to withdraw our representative from there.

    State of the Union Address (1790-2001) United States. Presidents.

  • For three days, as we steamed northward toward the Tropic of Capricorn, and then passed it, we were within the Republic of Paraguay.

    II. Up the Paraguay 1914

  • The Republic of Paraguay, with an area of about 196,000 square miles, occupies the central part of South America, bounded by Brazil to the north and east, by the Argentine Republic to the south-east and south-west, and by Bolivia to the west and north-west.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip 1840-1916 1913

  • On the 2d of June last Congress passed a joint resolution authorizing the President "to adopt such measures and use such force as in his judgment may be necessary and advisable" "for the purpose of adjusting the differences between the United States and the Republic of Paraguay in connection with the attack on the United States steamer _Water Witch_ and with other measures referred to" in his annual message, and on the

    A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 5, part 4: James Buchanan 1878


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